I'm sitting on the couch at 12:18 in the morning and I'm all curled up with a blanket and playing games on the laptop because I can't sleep.. But luckily I have Maggie our cat laying on the couch with me to keep my feet warm and keep my company. Bailey will come and rubbed up against me every once in awhile to but Maggie is a couch hog. Sorry Bailey
I'm sure I will pay for it in the morning when I don't want to wake up. However I have always been one to stay up late and able to get up right away in the morning. (((((yawn))))
As I'm sitting on our couch at 12:30 , our upstairs neighbor decides to vacuum something up or blend something.. She has a parrot that makes tons of noise too. Who is cleaning or cooking at this time in the morning. And I don't think she works in the medical field, so she's not a doctor or anything like that. Very interesting neighbors we have.
The one across the hall from us, I worry about her too. She has breast cancer and there are some weeks I never see her or hear out of her.Our landlord and I are kind of afraid to ask if she needs anything because were unsure how she will react. She doesn't have any family really and I feel bad and she knows I'm here if she needs me. I guess that's all I can do though.
Well I think I'm going to try to go bed now. I may be back though. Goodnight!!!
Friday, December 05, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
It's Snowing and I have a cold!
Have I told you how much I dislike driving in snow? Today and tonight and into the night it will be snowing. That means when I wake up in the morning the drive to work will not be fun. I don't care if it's on the grass and trees, I just don't like it on the streets. To many people get in car accidents and stuck. I also have a cold that won't go away. All the sniffles and Kleenex..I hope that once I fall asleep tonight that I will wake up and it will be gone. I doubt it though. What's is the best thing for a cold?
Saturday, November 29, 2008
This weekend!
Can you believe it, I'm actually on blogger tonight. Last night my cousin Brandon came to stay with us while he was taking his Patent Agent Exam for law school. It was fun having company staying over. Today I woke up pretty sore from decorating all day yesterday at work.
I had the place to myself today because Andy had to work. So I ventured out and went shopping for awhile. I went to and bought a few presents for Andy's nephew. I'm not used to shopping for little boys since there are none on our side. But it was fun... Then I came home and decorated some more and watched Christmas movies on television. Tonight I'm just hanging out around the house. Andy is going to the Wisconsin Badger hockey game.. GO BADGERS! I need to go work on my scrap booking but I'm being a very bad girl and not doing it.Will post pictures later of the Tree...
I had the place to myself today because Andy had to work. So I ventured out and went shopping for awhile. I went to and bought a few presents for Andy's nephew. I'm not used to shopping for little boys since there are none on our side. But it was fun... Then I came home and decorated some more and watched Christmas movies on television. Tonight I'm just hanging out around the house. Andy is going to the Wisconsin Badger hockey game.. GO BADGERS! I need to go work on my scrap booking but I'm being a very bad girl and not doing it.Will post pictures later of the Tree...
Thursday, November 27, 2008
What a great Husband!
I'm so lucky to have a great husband like Andy! He knew how much I wanted a Christmas tree this year and we finally went out and purchased one. I know our place isn't big enough but it looks so pretty in the corner with the lights and decorations on it. I haven't had a Christmas tree in my home since I was a little kid. I think our family got rid of the Christmas tree when I was in middle school maybe... So now I can finally say I have a Christmas tree again. I know Andy thought the cats would pull it over and mess with it, but they really haven't yet. They have found that the tree skirt makes a nice bed though. We will see what happens in the middle of the night. Anyways though hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving!!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Bad Sunita
I know I haven't been writing on my blog lately. I will try to get some stuff posted here soon. Yesterday was the first day is snowed here in Madison Wisconsin and it actually stuck to the ground. We had about 2 inches of snow I guess they said. I really don't like driving in this weather but what can you do... It's been crazy busy at home and work with tons of things to do. Last weekend I went to Chicago and saw downtown and went shopping all day. That was so much fun! I also got to see Lauren and Salvo which I was really excited about. Didn't buy anything really because everything is so expensive. Did you know the tax in Chicago is 10.25%? CRAXZYYYYYY No wonder no one buys anything there. Well I need to run for now but I thought I would post something really quickly... More news to follow!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
The Pumpkin Patch
A few weeks ago Andy's parents took Kris to the pumpkin patch and Andy and I tagged along. We went through the petting farm and on a hay ride!! The hay ride took us out to the pumpkin patch and we picked out about 5-6 pumpkins. Andy and I have two sitting on our porch but we haven't carved them or anything. I doubt that we will. I have never been a big Halloween fan... But I do like the smell of pumpkin pie, so maybe I will figure out something to make with them.

Thursday, October 02, 2008
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells
I thought I better post something since I haven't in awhile. Work has been crazy lately and have had a lot going on. So I have officially started Christmas Shopping and I'm somewhat done... I know your thinking what? Are you crazy? Well I figure my family really isn't doing a whole lot since we all live far away from each other. So I did get all three nieces something.. I got something small for my mom , my brother and sister-in law and my sisters.... Nothing big though!!! Then I'm making my famous calendar for grandpa ... So over all, it's almost done....I know you can't believe it right!!!
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Labor Day Weekend - The Hollywood
Saturday night Brandon, Brittany, Cody, Steven, Trish, Andy and I all went to the Hollywood. It's this little bar/grill in Robinson IL. We all went there and hung out and had a cocktail or two. You always see some interesting people there. Some with no teeth, some that can't walk because they are to drunk, some that smell and some that , well you just don't know what to expect. But we all hung out and had fun.
Labor Day Weekend- WALMART
Our family enjoys spending time together but we spend even more time at the near by Walmart. I know it sounds crazy but it really isn't. There have been time we have made 7 trips to Walmart in one day. But they good news is now it's a super Walmart even better and it's 24 hours.. You can spend even more time there. Everyone always finds something they don't need but ends up buying. And one last tid bit, the prices are cheaper there because it's in Southern IL..
Labor Day Weekend- The Bliss Family
Saturday evening we all packed up our cars and headed over to Marsha and Marion's house out in the country. They live in a town called Oblong about 30 minutes away from my grandpa. We had decided to do our big family dinner on Saturday night instead of Sunday night which was a great idea I think. A lot more time to socialize and hang out with family and catch up. Out on their property they have tons of dirt roads and fields to go play in. Not only was the food a high light but the toys that we had to play with were also a high light. My cousin Clarence brought down his 4 Wheeler and my other cousin had two more. They were a big hit this year. Everyone took them out riding and racing. We also had bad mitten, bags, golf, and lots of hanging out to do too.
We also had a lot of family missing this year that couldn't make it. Wish we were all sad about. They will hopefully be there at Christmas though. Pictures soon to come...
We also had a lot of family missing this year that couldn't make it. Wish we were all sad about. They will hopefully be there at Christmas though. Pictures soon to come...
Labor Day Weekend- Moonshiners
I"m back from a wonderful weekend with the family!!! Andy and I took off on Friday morning and drove to Champaign and spent the evening and then woke up on Saturday morning just in time to go to Moonshines.. Your asking what the heck is Moonshiners ...... Moonshiners is a little old place that has been there for some odd years and they sell a one of a kind hamburger I guess you could say.My family thought it would be fun to go try them out. So we all met in the town of Casey and stood in line for hamburgers and cheeseburgers. That's all they sell too, besides pop and chips. Tons of bugs all around, and you smelt like smoke from the cooking grill. Over all the burger was decent but nothing to fancy... You will have to check them out next time your in Casey Illinois. I will post pictures soon.
Friday, August 22, 2008

Fall is Approaching
I'm starting to get very excited about the fall weather that's coming. Last night I was so cold hanging out in the house that I had to get a sweatshirt out. I love sweatshirt weather. Which also means it's getting closer to football season and all the new shows that are coming out on television. You will find me tuned in on Thursday night's watching Grey's and Private Practice... But I will also be sad to see some of the summer shows leave such as Big Brother.
So this week I went through all my scrap booking supplies and passed some of it off to a friend of mine at work. Supplies that I"m never going to use anymore. I started going through everything also because it's time to start making my yearly calendar. I always try to come up with ideas that are going to top last years calendar but I can't always do it. This year I'm going to try to incorporate everyone birthday on to the calendar so grandpa doesn't have to write them all in. So we will see how that works out. If you have any good ideas to incorporate let me know.
Labor Day

Monday, August 04, 2008
Fried Zucchini

Thursday, July 17, 2008
Big Brother 10

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
So awhile back I posted an entry about getting some golf clubs, hasn't happen yet. I really want to learn how to play someday but maybe just not yet. Maybe for Christmas Andy will get me a nice set of golf clubs but we will see. Christmas it's not to far ... I did find someone who was willing to go take golf lessons with me though. So maybe that could be a project for next summer for us. We will have to see...
Art Fair on the Square
Every year Madison Wisconsin has an Art Fair and it's held downtown on the square. Andy and I went down to stroll around and look at expensive art. All different vendors from across the state come and share their talent. While we were down town at the capital we had the chance to go inside the state capital and go up to the observation deck. I have posted some pictures . I guess they also have tours to and maybe some time I will go do that...

Saturday, July 05, 2008
Wow so many posts!!!
Your probably wondering why I'm posting so much, well that's because I'm sitting at work on a Saturday after the 4th of July and there isn't anything to do. I have done word searches to surfing the Internet. There is some filing that could be done but at the same time , if I do it all today I won't have it for next week. The time isn't flying by fast enough here at work that's for sure.
Summer Television
I"m amazed at how many shows this summer are actually decent. I've been watching America Got Talent, Hopkins, The Baby Borrowers,and soon will be watching Big Brother. There is some really good talents in the states this year on America's Got Talent. I would love to try out for the show but I think I would be to chicken.. The Baby Borrowers is just not right. They say it's a form of birth control for kids. And I would have to say it's working maybe... Has anyone seen any of these shows yet?
Golf Lessons!!!!!
I have started to enjoy golf and watching golf more and more. When we out for dinner on my birthday Allison was talking about golf and I didn't understand all the different clubs, irons, wedges, and driver. So I was talking with Andy and I said I really want to go and get a book on golf so I can understand it, and he said you need golf clubs first. So this Sunday he's going to take me to Dick's Sporting Goods and were going to look at golf clubs for me.. I'm really kind of excited that way I can go play some golf with him. I won't be as good as him but oh well. Maybe I will go sign up for golf lessons...
Chicken Soup for the Soul Couples
I just recently bought a new book to read. I went to Barnes and Noble and spend an hour and half in the store just looking at books. There is anything and everything that you could possibly want. I wanted something about couples and yet romantic. So I was looking for a good book that had both of those things in it... I came across a lot of different one's and I bought Chicken Soup for the Soul Couples version. If you don't know anything about these books they talk about love, sex, communication, trust, family, and other topics but they are all inspirational stories... So I started to read this book and the first story I read was a really cute idea. Create a flower day with your husband and every month on that day you give flowers to your wife no matter what. So the story I was reading, her husband has passed away but one of his wishes was that their neighbor carry on the tradition for him . Give his wife flowers still... It was a really cute idea and it doesn't have to be flowers it could be something else. Create a special day with your spouse.
Trivia- State Nicknames
Can you name all the states:
Cotton state
Grand Canyon
Great Land
North Star
Old Dominion
Pine Tree
Cotton state
Grand Canyon
Great Land
North Star
Old Dominion
Pine Tree
Wedding Proofs
Quick note:
Andy and I picked up our wedding proofs from the photographer this past week. There are tons of great pictures. We will keep everyone up to date when they have put them on their website to order. We will keep you posted...
Andy and I picked up our wedding proofs from the photographer this past week. There are tons of great pictures. We will keep everyone up to date when they have put them on their website to order. We will keep you posted...
July 4th
Happy 4th of July!!!! Andy and I celebrated the 4th of July here in Madison. His family has a big cookout and there fire works right down the street from where they live. It's always nice to see family and friends and play games and eat tons of food. I have tons of pictures to post but can't right now. So I will be posting them later. Hope everyone had a good 4th of July!!!!!
July 2nd
Well I had my 26th birthday... Nothing really changed though, just another number. Andy bought me my first card that has the word WIFE on it.. To my wonderful wife I think it said... LOL !! It's still funny hearing the words wife and husband. My wife, my husband..... Anyways though Andy and I and some friends of our went out to dinner. We went to Joey's seafood... YUMMY!!!! I share my birthday with my brother Todd and I called him to wish him a Happy Birthday too. It's pretty cool to share that special day together. He's older than I am though. Then my older sisters birthday is coming up too in July... Lots of family birthdays in July.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
The Kung Fo Panda

Mallards Game
Friday the 6th Andy and I went to the Madison Mallards Baseball game. His parents are hosting one of the players so they have season tickets like they did last year. This year our player is from North Carolina. His name is Rob. His parents have really good seats too. They play here all summer off and on. So it's just something fun to go do and enjoy.

Friday, May 23, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Wedding News
Well as you all know we have been planning a wedding. It finally happen on May 17Th 2008. I"m now Mrs. Poole , I can't believe it. We have lots of pictures to post and show. We had a great rehearsal dinner that was a lot of fun and then the reception was also a lot of fun too. A very special day in my life! If any of you are family members have some pictures to share please email them to me. I would love to see them. I will be posting the pictures very soon.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
You've Got Mail!!!!
This past weekend I received a card in the mail and guess who it was addressed to? Sunni Poole. My first piece of mail with my new name on it... I couldn't believe it. I don't think the person who sent it meant to but that's OK. It was pretty exciting to see that.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Is it time yet?
It feels as if just yesterday we were starting to plan our wedding. But that's not the case anymore. We have 6 days till the big day. Can you believe it.... I would say we are all set and just looking for a perfect day. Though I hear we are going to have a 40% showers on Saturday. So please cross your fingers and hope it doesn't rain. I"m really looking forward to seeing all of the family. My older sister Shelby is coming and I haven't seen her and my niece for almost 2 years I think it is. Crazy I know... Someday I think she's going to move back home. Anyways though I hope to get some good pics of the family. I'm already thinking about Christmas this year and how many pictures I will have to put in the famous scrapbook calendar. I may have to make two.. Well off to shop for last minute things for next weekend... Can't wait to see all of you..
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Yesterday Andy came and picked me up for lunch and we went to the state clerks office to apply for our marriage license. It's expensive to get just a piece of paper that states your married. Why is it that some states are cheaper then others? Everything went good. Later on after dinner we met with the Pastor Billings. The last time we met with him, he gave me a weird vibe. This time not so much. He was nicer and a little more talkative. Though he tended to put us on the spot on some of the questions. We had to take this couples personality test the first time we met him and so we reviewed our scores. Not to shabby. But then again we don't know what it's based off . Anyways though it was a good meeting . The rehearsal is set and so is the wedding... Only 22 days left till the big day...
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
My Hair for the Wedding
Last night I went and had my hair done as a trial for the wedding. That was a lot of fun too, it's fun having everyone stare at you and wonder why their having their hair done. I do recommend that when you get married or you are going to a big fancy event that you kind of know what you want them to do. I took a few pictures with me of what I wanted and he came up with something really cute and elegant I would have to say. I can post all the pictures because I know that Andy reads my blog and I would like it to be a surprise of what I look like on my special day. So everyone will have to wait to see the final .

The little girl
Makeup for the Wedding
So I was trying to find a place to have my makeup done. And I was walking through Boston's one day and I noticed they have a Clinique Counter. I stopped and asked if they do pre-trials for makeup? is it free? And they said yes, the only thing we ask in return is you purchase something. So I didn't think that was such a bad idea. So on Monday night I went out and had my makeup done. I took Allison with me and she was my second opinion on everything. It was a really fun experience . The girl who did my makeup did a really great job too. Looked all natural .. Can't wait for everyone to see the finished results in a few weeks.

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