Thursday, November 27, 2008

What a great Husband!

I'm so lucky to have a great husband like Andy! He knew how much I wanted a Christmas tree this year and we finally went out and purchased one. I know our place isn't big enough but it looks so pretty in the corner with the lights and decorations on it. I haven't had a Christmas tree in my home since I was a little kid. I think our family got rid of the Christmas tree when I was in middle school maybe... So now I can finally say I have a Christmas tree again. I know Andy thought the cats would pull it over and mess with it, but they really haven't yet. They have found that the tree skirt makes a nice bed though. We will see what happens in the middle of the night. Anyways though hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving!!!

1 comment:

Daniel & Jennifer said...

Yay for Christmas trees! We're putting ours up this weekend...and between u & me, I don't think it'll fit where Dan wants to put it :(
Happy Holidays!