Tuesday, October 09, 2007


C O S T O C H O N D R I T I S- Say that 5 times really fast.... I can hardly pronounce it.... Anyways though this past week I had been feeling some chest pain and some hard time breathing. For the first 4-5 days I thought it was just stress from work, but Andy finally talked me into calling the doc. I called for an appointment and they couldn't get me in right away of course, so I had to wait another 3 -4 days till they could. Of course the nurse is asking me all these questions to rule out a heart attack or whatever else. So I finally get in and they decide the want to do all these test on me. I really dislike the doctors office.. They did x-rays, and blood work and EKG.... And all that for a word I can't even say.... It has to do with the Lungs and the cartilage around them being inflamed. Yet they don't know what causes it. Mmmm and they get the big bucks... Anyways though today I'm feeling better but still sometimes it's hard to breath... They said I could have this for 3-6 weeks and it will just disappear on it's own.

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