Saturday, April 14, 2007

Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

I love my weekends that's for sure. This morning I woke up bright and early at like 9, well I guess that isn't early but early for me on a Saturday. I was starving and so I went to the kitchen and I made eggs, bacon and toast. Yummy in my tummy I have to say... Added a little cheese in my eggs to make them even tastier. I know you are all thinking, your allergic to all dairy products, but you know sometimes I just get a craving for them and I will have to pay for it later. After I was done eater , I went and sat on the couch and ended up falling back to sleep for awhile. Then I finally got up and did some things. I can never decide to what to eat, so for lunch I had a big bowl of popcorn, is that healthy? In some ways I think it is, but when there is butter I don't. But it was good and it filled me up. Now what will I have for dinner tonight? I will make Andy decide. Back to work!

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