Saturday, July 18, 2009
Family Picture
My mom was lucky enough to go over to my brothers and take a picture with all of the grandchildren. I was very jealous that I didn't get to go. In this picture is Todd my brother, my mom, and Sarah, Sophia, Willow and Selah. These are all my nieces. Where are the nephews? No one had any boys in the family. Maybe when Andy and I have kids we will have a little boy? But then again I really would like a little girl too. I already have her name picked out . Not that I'm ready for kids yet. Andy and I still like to get out and travel. Plus I'm pretty sure he doesn't want any kids for awhile either.

The Dube's
Over the Father's Day weekend we took a drive over to The Dube's house. They live about 2 hours or so away from us. Brandice and Kenny were in town so we all got to hang out and have some fun. We grilled out, the guys went and play golf, we had good food that Clarence made. It was a really fun weekend and Andy and I enjoyed getting away from Madison for a little while.
Work and more work!
Work has been up and down. Business is good though. We actually made a profit this last month which is a good thing. That means we could see the pay freeze lifted and we may get our raises. But we will see. These last few weeks have been a little crazy. We recently promoted one of our girls in our department to another department. That meant we had to hire someone new and I would be training them. I was also asked to sit in on the interview process and had a say in who I thought should be hired. I like to train new people but sometimes my other work doesn't get done so much and deadlines aren't meant. But so far the new girl is working out good. But I miss our previous girl in that position too though. It's amazing that I have kept in touch with almost everyone that has either moved to a different position, left the company or had been let go.
Hanging out with Friends
Andy and I have been hanging out with Mike and Allison almost every other week. We usually go over to their house and eat dinner and sit around the bonfire. They live in a small town called Verona , just about 10 minutes away from us. They also have a dog that we like to play with too. We are going to try to alternate on who turn it is to host dinner, but it hasn't worked so well yet. We always end up over there. We always have a good time no matter what though.

Shame on Me!
I know it's been a long time since I have written anything on my blog. I just find it hard to sit down and write sometimes. It's easier to pick up the phone and call someone. Anyway though there is probably a lot of new information that I haven't posted that I should. Like pictures of my birthday, or how my golf lessons turned out. I promise that I will try to update my blog more often. I at least changed the background of it. So that's something new..
Thursday, May 28, 2009
My new favorite Website!
I have a new favorite website. This website has everything on it. It's like a major search engine for anything and everything. I think I spent at least an hour just looking at things. There were sites I had never even thought of. There was one where you could play Mario brothers.. I used to love that game and play it all the time when I was a kid.Anyways though, go check it out and look at all the cool things it has to offer.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Our 1st Wedding Anniversary!
Time flies by when your having fun!!! May 17th was our first anniversary. I couldn't believe it... We did a lot of things different at our wedding. Like not kiss at the alter, not throw the guarder or bouquet. And then we didn't even eat our topper on our anniversary.. Talk about different. I guess we are just really laid back and really don't care about all the traditional things. Anyways though we went out to dinner with some of our friends that were in our wedding and had a great time.
I purchased a card for Andy for our anniversary and I didn't even get one in return...I gave Andy a bunch of grief for not getting a card. But then on Thursday night I came home and found a card laying on the table with, To my Wife.... I opened the card and there was a little note written on the back. It said, " If you can find your birthday present you can have it." I thought to myself it's not July yet. I spent a good 45 minutes tearing the place apart looking for something. I didn't even know what I had asked for besides a WI Fit.. ( Don't think I will be getting that )
The next day I came home and it was Friday. I said to Andy, " Did you really get me something already?" Yes he said... We have been in to going to the golf range to hitting balls lately and I said you want to go hit a bucket of balls tonight. He said nope not till you find your gift.. So we kind of played the Hot or Cold game... I finally found my gift and it was tucked away . Did not look there the day before. The place he had hidden it I couldn't get open. I'm a weakling... LOL... Anyways though it was a Gift Certificate for Golf Lessons. I was really excited because I just got a new set of Golf Clubs for Christmas. So I"m totally excited about scheduling my lessons and learning how to golf properly.
I purchased a card for Andy for our anniversary and I didn't even get one in return...I gave Andy a bunch of grief for not getting a card. But then on Thursday night I came home and found a card laying on the table with, To my Wife.... I opened the card and there was a little note written on the back. It said, " If you can find your birthday present you can have it." I thought to myself it's not July yet. I spent a good 45 minutes tearing the place apart looking for something. I didn't even know what I had asked for besides a WI Fit.. ( Don't think I will be getting that )
The next day I came home and it was Friday. I said to Andy, " Did you really get me something already?" Yes he said... We have been in to going to the golf range to hitting balls lately and I said you want to go hit a bucket of balls tonight. He said nope not till you find your gift.. So we kind of played the Hot or Cold game... I finally found my gift and it was tucked away . Did not look there the day before. The place he had hidden it I couldn't get open. I'm a weakling... LOL... Anyways though it was a Gift Certificate for Golf Lessons. I was really excited because I just got a new set of Golf Clubs for Christmas. So I"m totally excited about scheduling my lessons and learning how to golf properly.
Our Vacation in Sunny Florida!!!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Our Trip to the Zoo with Kris.

We leave in 8 days!!!
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
I find myself rushing around at work and not having enough time during the day to complete everything. Do I speak up and say something to my managers and tell them that there has to be overtime? Do I not speak up and not do a good job? I know money is tight in the world but if we can't do our job correctly then we could loose even more money.
Monday, April 06, 2009
It's Monday
It's Monday night and Dancing With the Stars was on. I love that show. It makes me think about all the dance performance I've done in the past when I was a kid. There are days when I wish I could go back and take tap,jazz, ballet and hip hop all over again. I know I can, but do I really have the time too? NO!!!
There hasn't bee a whole lot going on this week. Had a great weekend. I hung out with the in-laws on Saturday night and order Pizza. Then Andy's nephew came over and I played with him for awhile. He's getting to be so big and has a wide range of vocabulary. Afterwards I came home and cleaned out our oven . It was kind of scary sticking my head in the oven with the door open. But it's nice and clean now.
This week is going to be pretty hectic. One of my co-workers is leaving and moving back to Illinois to be with family. So that means we have a new person starting and I get to train him. That's OK I will just be stressed. I have learned that working where I do, I become very stressed. So much to do and not enough time.I told Andy that you may not want to talk to me at all this week because I will be so tired by the time I get home. But I tell you what, I"m looking forward to May when I can get away and go to Florida and spend some time in the sun and on the golf course.
Well I have finished my day with a nice workout on the treadmill and now I'm off to bed.
There hasn't bee a whole lot going on this week. Had a great weekend. I hung out with the in-laws on Saturday night and order Pizza. Then Andy's nephew came over and I played with him for awhile. He's getting to be so big and has a wide range of vocabulary. Afterwards I came home and cleaned out our oven . It was kind of scary sticking my head in the oven with the door open. But it's nice and clean now.
This week is going to be pretty hectic. One of my co-workers is leaving and moving back to Illinois to be with family. So that means we have a new person starting and I get to train him. That's OK I will just be stressed. I have learned that working where I do, I become very stressed. So much to do and not enough time.I told Andy that you may not want to talk to me at all this week because I will be so tired by the time I get home. But I tell you what, I"m looking forward to May when I can get away and go to Florida and spend some time in the sun and on the golf course.
Well I have finished my day with a nice workout on the treadmill and now I'm off to bed.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Winter or Spring
I'm very confused what time of season it is. Last week is was nice and warm out and today it's snowing. I wish weather would make up it's mind. I'm ready for the spring air and all the pretty flowers blooming. One of my co-workers received roses from his wife because she away in IRAQ, and I couldn't help smelling the pretty roses and thinking of Spring. This spring I hope to purchase some flowers and plant them on the patio.I"m really into daisy's right now and sunflowers.Keep your fingers crossed that spring will be here soon and that winter will be gone.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Updating Blog
My Day in Madison,Wisconsin is under construction. Will return with updates and photos!
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
I know, I've been bad!
You never realize how fast time goes by. It's been sometime since I have written on my blog so I thought I better post something or else my mom won't know what I've been doing.. LOL ! Just kidding.. Here's a few updates!
This past month has been pretty busy with work . One of my co-workers put in her notice and I"m very sad to see her leave us. She's been an awesome person to work with and it's going to be hard to train someone else to fill her shoes. Granted she's not leaving till April but still.Were going to miss her. She better come back and visit though!
This last month at work every Friday all the girls and I would bring something in to show n tell. There was some great things. One person brought in old pictures of all the baby blankets she's made. Most of the time it was pictures. This past Friday I brought in a book called ," The Sunita Experiment". It's about a girl who comes over from India and trying to figure out the two different worlds. Anyways though it was a book I think my mom or grandma purchased for me since it had my name on it. Nothing ever has my name on it.
This month I volunteer to make everyone a little cookbook with all the scrapbooking materials I have. Doesn't cost me a thing and it's something to work on instead of sitting in front of the TV on the night's Andy works. All that I asked of the girls were to bring the recipes in. I did themed weeks so we would get a variety of different things. The first week is a recipe requested by family and friends. What does everyone ask me to make? MMM Green Bean Casserole or Taco Dip!
A side note, if anyone wants to take look at the wedding pictures and purchase them, I have the CD now with all of them. Please email me and I will give you the website.
GREAT NEWS ! My older brother and his wife just got back from Ethiopia. They adopted a beautiful little girl . Her name is Selah. My new niece!!! I"m very excited to have another niece! I can't wait to meet her!!!
My husband was thoughtful enough to go and purchase Illinois vs. Wisconsin basketball tickets for this week. I think Illinois is going to win, but we will see! Anyone want to place a bet on that game?
No big plans for the weekend! I can't believe it's almost Wednesday!!! Time flies!!!
This past month has been pretty busy with work . One of my co-workers put in her notice and I"m very sad to see her leave us. She's been an awesome person to work with and it's going to be hard to train someone else to fill her shoes. Granted she's not leaving till April but still.Were going to miss her. She better come back and visit though!
This last month at work every Friday all the girls and I would bring something in to show n tell. There was some great things. One person brought in old pictures of all the baby blankets she's made. Most of the time it was pictures. This past Friday I brought in a book called ," The Sunita Experiment". It's about a girl who comes over from India and trying to figure out the two different worlds. Anyways though it was a book I think my mom or grandma purchased for me since it had my name on it. Nothing ever has my name on it.
This month I volunteer to make everyone a little cookbook with all the scrapbooking materials I have. Doesn't cost me a thing and it's something to work on instead of sitting in front of the TV on the night's Andy works. All that I asked of the girls were to bring the recipes in. I did themed weeks so we would get a variety of different things. The first week is a recipe requested by family and friends. What does everyone ask me to make? MMM Green Bean Casserole or Taco Dip!
A side note, if anyone wants to take look at the wedding pictures and purchase them, I have the CD now with all of them. Please email me and I will give you the website.
GREAT NEWS ! My older brother and his wife just got back from Ethiopia. They adopted a beautiful little girl . Her name is Selah. My new niece!!! I"m very excited to have another niece! I can't wait to meet her!!!
My husband was thoughtful enough to go and purchase Illinois vs. Wisconsin basketball tickets for this week. I think Illinois is going to win, but we will see! Anyone want to place a bet on that game?
No big plans for the weekend! I can't believe it's almost Wednesday!!! Time flies!!!
Thursday, January 01, 2009
My 2009 Goals!
Andy tends to read my blog everyday and today while he was at work I posted the first one of the year having to do with goals. So when he read it tonight , he came out and asked me with a smile on his face what are your goals so I can help you accomplish them. I laughed when he said that of course. So then I started to think about it and this is what I have come up with. My husband is waiting patiently to find out what they are.
1. Start to work out more! We have a really nice treadmill and it has all these cool workouts on it. And for Christmas we got a new tv to put in the workout room. So in the long run I think the treadmill will be used more. During the summer when it's nice out , I would like to bike more and even get my husband to bike with me.
2. I'm going to drink more water and eat healthier.
3. A goal for my husband and I is to save more money. Cut down on debt.
4. I want to learn how to play golf and maybe even beat my husband at it.. Just kidding. There isn't anyway that I will be able to do that.
5. I"m going to try to expand my cooking skills. I"m going to pick one new recipe and try to make it. Whether it will turn out good that's another story. Andy does most of the cooking and he's a wonderful cook. He gets it from his mom. Me on the other hand, I can do some things but not as good as him.
6. I want to start reading books again. When I was a child I used to read all the time but then as I got older , I was interested in other things.
7. I would also like to scrapbook more and spend more time organizing all my pictures . I would also like to create a wedding photo album .
1. Start to work out more! We have a really nice treadmill and it has all these cool workouts on it. And for Christmas we got a new tv to put in the workout room. So in the long run I think the treadmill will be used more. During the summer when it's nice out , I would like to bike more and even get my husband to bike with me.
2. I'm going to drink more water and eat healthier.
3. A goal for my husband and I is to save more money. Cut down on debt.
4. I want to learn how to play golf and maybe even beat my husband at it.. Just kidding. There isn't anyway that I will be able to do that.
5. I"m going to try to expand my cooking skills. I"m going to pick one new recipe and try to make it. Whether it will turn out good that's another story. Andy does most of the cooking and he's a wonderful cook. He gets it from his mom. Me on the other hand, I can do some things but not as good as him.
6. I want to start reading books again. When I was a child I used to read all the time but then as I got older , I was interested in other things.
7. I would also like to scrapbook more and spend more time organizing all my pictures . I would also like to create a wedding photo album .
So there are some of my goals. I may accomplish them I may not. Now ask my husband what his goals are.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to everyone . I can't believe it's 2009 already. The year went by so fast. I have a few goals in mind but nothing concrete. Do you have any goals for the upcoming year? You know everyone sets goals for the new year but how many people stick with them the whole year? And be honest. Let me know what your goals are.
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