Friday, January 11, 2008

Clean Clothes and Towels

Wednesday night Andy and I went to the grocery store to do our weekly shopping. Though it last more then a week . It's amazing how much money you spend on food. I don't see how family with 6-7 kids could spend all that money. Never will I have 6 or 7 kids... Our two cats are already expensive. Anyways though so after we got home I did a load of laundry and it was all the towels. Andy always makes fun of me when I do laundry because I always end up doing something the wrong way. For instance, putting to much in at one time or when I'm putting them in the dryer , putting to many dryer sheets in. So I told him from now on you can do the laundry. You should see what happens when I wash the clothes and hang those up. They have to be in order. It's very funny ... So from now on, if there is laundry I will either do it when he's not at home or he can... LOL

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