Saturday, February 17, 2007

Bowling, enough said!

Today I had to fill in at Schwoeglers( the bowling ally) to help out with the Birthday Parties. This is something I do just for fun, but sometimes it can be very boring. But it's extra cash when it comes to pay day! Got to save my pennies for Reno. We leave less then 2 weeks. I'm getting excited about going, because I have never been there before. Though I have been to Vegas, and I hear that you can't compare it. Andy is sitting right next to me tonight while I'm blogging. He just now found out that I have a blog and he wanted to know what kind of things I write on this thing. So he's watching everything I write. Anyways though we watched the Badger Hockey game tonight on TV. The score is tied 2 to 2. Whose going to win? I never did understand hockey till I met Andy. I still don't sometimes. I don't know what off sides and all the penalties are! OH well maybe one day I will understand it all. Well back to go the game.

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