It finally happend, I haven't written in a long time on this blog , but Andy said you haven't updated it in a long time, so I guess he's been reading it. Anyways though we got back from Reno and it was a great time. We had a lot of fun out there. Andy bowled well in my mind and so did the rest of the guys. But the best part of it was him asking me to marry him. It was an early morning and we had to get up early and get to the airport to pick up one of our friends . But before that happend Andy proposed to me. It was perfect and romantic and cute. I guess people knew about it back home. I had no idea it was going to happen out there in Reno. The first thing in my mind I was thinking about was, how did he get that ring on the plane. But he said he packed it very well. I will have to post a picture of what it looks like on here, but I have to be on the other computer. Anyways though so now the planning begins... I'm so excited about it. If you know me at all, you know that I have a lot of planning already done in my mind . But things can change.
Well we have already decided that the wedding is going to be in May of 2008. Andy had wanted it in the fall and I really wanted that too but the reason why is because I want my grandpa to walk me down the asial so we moved it up. He has been a father to me for my whole life more then anyone. I love him with all my heart. Him and my grandma would do anything for me. I love my grandparents very much... It will be very hard on me when my grandpa does pass away.. Which I hope is not anytime soon. I miss my grandma very much too. She will be in my thoughts through out the whole process.. I have already told my mom I want to wear one of her sets of pearls or something at the wedding to have her there with me in remeberance.
I already have my maid of honor. She has been a friend of mine since elementry school . Her name is Lauren Tichenor. We have been through all sorts of things. She's such a great person and I love her to death. She lives in Champaign but looking to relocate closer to Chicago area for a job. I hope she gets it then she will live even closer to me.
I have my other bride maid, Brandice. She's my cousin. We have been very close our entire lifes as well. We were both born in the same month. Mine July 2, her's July 3. So I was one day older then her, got my license before her, could vote before her and so on. But she's getting married before me. Thats ok. I will give her one.
Well I need to run for now, but I will keep you up to date on the wedding planning. Any ideas keep me posted....